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Highly Customizable HTTP server in C (small apache httpd)

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What's qHttpd?

The goal of qHttpd Project is building a highly customizable HTTP server which can be used in many projects not only as a HTTP contents delivery purpose but also an internal protocol purpose.

Are you looking for customizable HTTP server for your own software development needs? Are you considering to develop a protocol like a HTTP protocol to use as a inter-communication protol for your software? Do you want to modify standard HTTP protocol and add your own methods to fit in your needs? If your answer is YES to one of these questions, qHttpd is just for you. Take a look. It's simple, fast and compact!


How easy adding a new method?

Sample) Adding a new method in C

int hookRequestHandler(struct HttpRequest *pReq, struct HttpResponse *pRes) {
        int nResCode = 0;

        // method hooking
        if(!strcmp(pReq->pszRequestMethod, "MY_METHOD")) {
                nResCode = my_method(pReq, pRes);
        return nResCode;

int my_method(struct HttpRequest *pReq, struct HttpResponse *pRes) {
        const char *txt = "Nice to meet you~"

        httpResponseSetCode(pRes, HTTP_CODE_OK, true);
        httpHeaderSetStr(pRes->pHeaders, "MY_HEADER", "Hi~");
        httpResponseSetContent(pRes, "httpd/plain", txt, strlen(txt));

Sample) Modifying response using LUA script

function responseHandler()
      local code = response:getCode();

      out = assert("/tmp/test.log", "a+"));
      out:write("Response Code = ",code,"\n");

      if (code == 200) then
              response:setHeader("Server", "milk/1.0.0");
      return 0;